How to get a girl to like you and what to say to a girl you like are questions that have been boggling men's minds forever.
Here you'll discover some tested and extremely effective ways of how to approach a girl, how to flirt with a girl and how to create real chemistry with a girl you just met.
1. How To Approach a Girl
There are five main factors to consider when it comes to approaching girls:
* Speed
* Confidence
* Playfulness
* Giving attitude
* Time constraint
Speed is very important for two reasons. First, if you don't approach within the first few seconds of seeing her, you'll most probably talk yourself out of it. Second, if she sees you watching her and if you take too long to approach, she'll know you had to work up the courage and it immediately puts you in a slightly inferior position in her mind. Of course, there are contexts where you can't approach her immediately but you should aim to do it as fast as you can. Ideally literally within seconds.
When it comes to confidence, men tend to overdo it because they think they have to very overtly irradiate it. The thing is that women have developed a very acute sense for this and can very quickly pick up on dishonest displays of confidence. It's no rocket science... If you approach quickly, if you have a smile on your face and if you lean back, touch her on her forearm from time to time and reduce nervous twitches to a minimum you should do great.
At first you have to be very playful. Tease her a bit and smile but don't overdo it. Make sure you mainly amuse yourself. Don't try to impress her, she will be amused if your goal is to have fun yourself. Generally it's not good to tell too many jokes because she'll view you as a funny friend. Instead try to tease her, make some jokes at her expense and smile.
You should have a giving attitude which means that you don't think of the approach in terms of wanting to get something from her but rather come from a mindset of she'll be getting a lot from you... if she's cool enough.
Time constraint is one of the most important things you have to use in approach. You have to answer the question that's going through her mind: "Is this guy going to stick around for hours and I won't be able to get rid of him?". You do that simply by saying: "I have to get back to my friends in a minute..." or just simply: "I have to run but..." This also subliminally hints that you have friends and that you are busy (i.e. you have a life). Do the time constraint very soon after approaching.
2. How To Flirt With a Girl
Simply put, flirting is a way to demonstrate that you're a suitable person for her to get involved with and to get her inner sexual switches turned on in a somewhat subtle way. It's based on a push-pull mechanism where you briefly give her good feeling and thoughts and then back away. Here are some very powerful and tested flirting techniques:
* Especially in the beginning tease her! But make sure you watch her responses carefully. Some girls, although beautiful and a great company, have a very bad opinion of themselves. You have to be careful not to offend them! This is one of the most common beginners mistakes.
* Sometimes gaze at her eyes just a little longer than would be normal
* Tell her you'll make something out of her. Make it funny and contextual. For example if she does something nice for you, you say: "You're so sweet! I'll put you in a blender and make Nancy syrup out of you. I bet you'll go great with pancakes" (put her name in instead of Nancy). Another example, if she makes fun out of you: "You're funny, huh? I'll put you in a shaker and make "smart-ass" milkshake out of you"...
* Misinterpret her comments as her hitting on you. For example, if she says she has to go to the bathroom, say: "Well, I was hoping you'd at least buy me dinner first but OK, let's go. Just promise you'll respect me in the morning..."
* After dancing, hold her closer, look her directly in the eyes and say: "This was wonderful!", then immediately lessen the grip and keep looking her in the eyes. Most of the times she'll respond with a smile and say: "Thank you." You then look at her a bit confused and say: "Actually I was talking about myself but yeah, you were fine too". Have a playful smile on your face. You'll definitely get a huge laugh and a hit in the shoulder... a VERY good sign;)
* Also after dancing, playfully hold her hand, put her on your side and bow to the imaginary audience. She'll usually laugh and play along. Send kisses to the imaginary audience and wave while gesturing she should do it too. When she does, look at her seriously and say: "You know there's no audience, right?". Smile playfully right after that.
* Play different games with her. A great game is "Judging other people" where you two watch other people and comment their looks, behavior etc. It's fun for her and you can also quickly learn about what she likes and what she doesn't like. Of course, you must tease her from time to time.
* Another very flirtatious game is role-playing. Simply pick a role for yourself and give her one. She'll very likely go with it and play along. Don't overdo it.
3. How To Create Chemistry
What girls are really looking for is connection. So when you notice that a girl is into you (and this usually happens within minutes!), it's time to establish a connection with her. Here are some elements of a connection that you should demonstrate:
* Trust
* Caring
* Protection
* Leadership
* Interest in what she does
* Emotional sanity
* Open mind
* Enthusiasm
You can directly demonstrate these traits with behavior or conversationally through stories. Never say directly you have any of these traits. The key is in subtly DEMONSTRATING them to her!
Now that you're armed with this cutting-edge knowledge it's time to go out there and get the girl you always wanted!
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