Friday, July 2, 2010

Engaging Her Emotions: Recalling Rapport Topic

Engaging her emotions is undoubtedly the most effective & commanding element of a first text message. When reading your first few messages the goal is to provoke her into experiencing the same feelings of attraction as she felt during your initial meeting.

An easy way to accomplish this is by referencing a subject from your first conversation together. By doing this you bring her back to that time with you and, in turn, bring up the positive feelings she felt in that moment.

Those positive feeling that you are stirring up are the very basis of her attraction to you (as well as you to her). It isn’t necessary to start over or to reconstruct her positive feeling towards you.

If you begin where you left off your relationship will move along much faster pace.

Note: If you got her number in a situation that didn’t allow for much time to talk or build a connection it is crucial that you put the techniques from Using Social Networking Sites into play to increase attraction & establish comfort.

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